media release reasons

There are at least 50 good and newsworthy reasons why you would want to send out a media release on behalf of your nonprofit organization. Before the internet and rise of social media communications, media releases were designed specifically and exclusively for journalists. And, 90% or more of the media releases often ended up unread, overlooked and unpublished. Today, media releases posted online are available to anyone with an internet connection and an interest in whatever it is that your organization does.

Savvy PR professionals use media releases to communicate directly with their audiences including customers, donors, funders, volunteers and the media.

Here are 50 reasons you might want to send out a media release:

  1. To announce a special event
  2. To offer a local angle to a national story
  3. To tie in a product or service to a seasonal or national trend
  4. To offer advice that can help someone else solve a problem shared by many others
  5. To advocate for a political or industry issue that you feel strongly about
  6. To describe how your organization is using technology in interesting or unique ways
  7. To offer an interesting profile on an amazing staff member, board member or volunteer
  8. To acknowledge strategic partnerships, media sponsorships and joint ventures that have helped your organization
  9. To highlight how your organization is successfully encouraging donations
  10. To invite a reporter to participate in your story such as the YWCA’s “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” fundraiser
  11. To offer a tip sheet such as the top ten best ways to recycle your outdated electronic equipment or keep your heating bills down, etc.
  12. To report a poll or survey on an interesting controversial or quirky topic in your industry and report the results
  13. To announce an upcoming conference or convention
  14. To piggy back on a current news event for which you can add information
  15. To announce you're hosting a seminar or workshop and announce the information to be discussed
  16. To notify the media about a speaking engagement by a VIP at the local library
  17. To promote a contest thta offers newsworthy prize 
  18. To report the number of hours your volunteers have donated to the community
  19. To recognize long serving employees or volunteers
  20. To circulate a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that got published “in case they missed it”
  21. To announce a new executive director, senior staff member or board of directors
  22. To report on a public project and offer insight to the situation
  23. To protest or take a position on an activity or issue
  24. To invite the media to an open house where people can tour your office, plant, speak ti VIPs,etc.
  25. To congratulate the recipient(s) of an award that honours individuals in the community active in the area in which your organization serves
  26. To invite the media to a public debate that you're hosting
  27. To report your findings from a fact finding trip
  28. To announce a celebrity event sponsored by your organization
  29. To elebrate a nomination and the receipt of an award
  30. To invite internships, board members and volunteer applications
  31. To announce a new product, program or service
  32. To circulate a public service announcement
  33. To announce the launch of a fund raising campaign
  34. To showcase a new website, newsletter, annual report or publication
  35. To post to your website’s newsroom so visitors – including the media, volunteers, potential donors, etc.) can get an instant snapshot of your organization’s activities
  36. To announce that your CEO is attending or speaking at a community event or conference
  37. To broadcast new staff appointments especially for positions that deal directly with the public, e.g. volunteer coordinator, membership manager, etc.
  38. To create fresh interesting and keyword rich content for your online newsroom that Google will love
  39. To announce a record number of participants using your service or program
  40. To promote a new social media connection
  41. To post fresh, newsworthy content to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media networks and invite readers to comment
  42. To announce new equipment and how it will benefit the community you serve.
  43. To announce a staff member or volunteer’s media interview before or after it takes place
  44. To announce the expansion of facilities or programs
  45. To promote a guest speaker you are hosting
  46. To acknowledge a grant or donation you received
  47. To celebrate the success of a fundraising campaign
  48. To announce the birthday or anniversary of your organization
  49. To form a framework for your media relations activities throughout the year
  50. To encourage you to constantly look for interesting and newsworthy stories within your organization

Keep in mind that it takes more than spraying out media releases to attract the attention of the media. It takes finding the right story to tell the right reporter at the right time in the right way. 

When you're looking for an up-to-date contact list of the reporters, editors, show hosts, and news producers at the newspapers, magazines, digital news platforms, radio and television stations in Alberta, consider purchasing a subscription to